Tree Care
Tree Inspections
Transport & Storage
Outdoor Skills
Tree Climbing
Outdoor Skills
Reference Books
Tree Climbing
European Treeworker Handbook (European Arboricultural Council (EAC))
Seilkletter-Technik (Rope Climbing Technique) in German
Der Ratgeber für Baumkletterer (Advice for Tree Climbing) in German
Forestry Knots (Baumknoten) German Text
Lebensraum Alter Baum - Arten, Spuren und Strukturen (Old Trees' Habitat - Species, Clues and Structures) Text in German.
Baumpilzfächer - Holz zerstörende Baumpilze (Tree fungi cards - damaging tree fungi). Text in German
Bestimmungsfächer - Raupen und Afterraupen (Identification cards - caterpillars and larvae). Text in German.
Bestimmungsfächer - Waldböden erkennen und verstehen (Identification cards - recognise and understand forest floors). Text in German.
Baumartenfächer (Tree Type Cards - text in German)