Tree Care
Tree Inspections
Transport & Storage
Outdoor Skills
Controls, Checks & Investigations
Outdoor Skills
Reference Books
Controls, Checks & Investigations
Win 10 – Fit for Fungi – Multimedia Training CD (in German)
Baumdaten I (Tree Data File 1) – Deciduous Trees (German Text) DIN A4 Folder
"Handbuch Baumstatistik" (Handbook of Tree Statistics) - damage symptoms, measuring procedures, protecting stands and resilience. Text in German
Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) DIN A4 Folder
Baumdaten II (Tree Data File 2) - Coniferous Trees (German Text) DIN A4 Folder
Handbuch Baumdiagnostik (Handbook for Tree Diagnosis). Text in German.
Fit for Fungi – spiral bound notebook
Broschüre Baumuntersuchungsrichtlinien 2013 (Guidelines on tree investigation brochure 2013) Text in German
Praxis Baumkontrolle - Baumbeurteilung und Baumkataster (Practical Tree Control - Tree Diagnosis and Registries) Text in German
Broschüre Baumpflanzungen Teil 1 (Brochure on Tree Planting Part 1) Text in German
Broschüre Baumpflanzungen Teil 2 (Brochure on Tree Planting Part 2) Text in German
Tree Inspection and Control by Species (Baumkontrolle unter Berücksichtigung der Baumart)
Verkehrssicherheit und Baumkontrolle (Traffic Safety and Tree Inspection) Text in German
Holzzersetzende-Pilze (Tree Decaying Fungi) Text in German
Controlling Fungi in Trees (Pilze bei der Baumkontrolle)
Tree Statics and Controls (Baumstatik + Baumkontrolle) German Text