Steiner Ranger Xtreme 8 x 32
Zeiss Terra ED 42 Binoculars
Laves Mobile Wash Basin Set Standard
Minox X-lite 8x56 Binoculars
Minox X-lite 10x42 Binoculars
Win 10 – Fit for Fungi – Multimedia Training CD (in German)
Steiner Safari UltraSharp 10×26
Petzl Duffle Bag 85 litre
Eckla Beach-Rolly Standard
Petzl Duffle Bag
Minox X-lite 10x26 Binoculars
Baumdaten I (Tree Data File 1) – Deciduous Trees (German Text) DIN A4 Folder
Petzl Transport Rope Bag
Tree Statics and Controls (Baumstatik + Baumkontrolle) German Text
Gehölzbestimmung im Winter - mit Knospen und Zweigen (Identifying woody plants in winter - with buds and twigs). Text in German.
"Handbuch Baumstatistik" (Handbook of Tree Statistics) - damage symptoms, measuring procedures, protecting stands and resilience. Text in German
Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) DIN A4 Folder
Stanley Adventure coolbox
Tree Fungi (Pilze an Bäumen) German Text
Teufelberger Folding tCHAIR
Baumdaten II (Tree Data File 2) - Coniferous Trees (German Text) DIN A4 Folder
Tree Care Today (Baumpflege heute) German Text
Stanley 1.9 litre Classic Vacuum Flask
Pruning in Tune with the Laws of Nature (Gehölzschnitt nach Gesetzen der Natur) German Text
Eckla Multi-Tool Bar
Forest Trees and Shrubs (Bäume und Sträucher des Waldes) Text in German
Stanley 1 litre Classic Vacuum Flask
Stanley 1.4 litre classic vacuum flask
Takeya Actives Spout 1.9 litre Vacuum Flask
Stanley 0.75 litre classic vacuum flask
Stanley Adventure Gift Set
European Treeworker Handbook (European Arboricultural Council (EAC))
Stanley Classic Food Jar 0.7 litre
Fantastische Wesen am Baum und wo sie zu finden sind (Fantastic Creatures of Trees are where they are to be found) - integrated species conservation and all to do with forestry. Text in German
Stanley 0.47 litre Classic Vacuum Flask
Eckla Beach-Rolly Sunshade
Tree Care Book (Baumpflege, Baumbiologische Grundlagen und Anwendungen)
Takeya Standard Straw Tumbler 1.2 l
Seilkletter-Technik (Rope Climbing Technique) in German
Handbuch Baumdiagnostik (Handbook for Tree Diagnosis). Text in German.
Teufelberger tNAP Hammock
Bäume in der Stadt (Trees in the City). Text in German.
Stanley Adventure Food Jar 0.5 litre
Blockhäuser und Hütten - selbst gebaut (Build Your Own Wooden Cabins and Huts. German Text)
Die wildwachsenden und kultivierten Laub- und Nadelgehölze Mitteleuropas (The naturally occurring and cultivated deciduous and coniferous trees of Central Europe) Text in German
Bestandespflege im Forst - Von der Pflanzung zum erntereifen Bestand (Forest stand management - from planting to ready for harvesting) Text in German
Praxisbuch Holz - Techniken - Werkzeuge - Projekte (Woodwork - Techniques - Tools - Projects. German Text.)
Waldgräser - Der Bestimmungsführer (Forest Grasses - The Identification Guide) Text in German.
Tree Crowns (Baumkronen) German Text
Surface Treatment of Wood and Wooden Materials (Oberflächenbehandlung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen) German Text
Fit for Fungi – spiral bound notebook
Brochure Tree Inspection Guidelines 2020 (Text in German)
Broschüre ZTV Baumpflege 2017 (Additional technical contract conditions for tree care brochure 2017) Text in German.
Broschüre Baumuntersuchungsrichtlinien 2013 (Guidelines on tree investigation brochure 2013) Text in German
Takeya Actives Spout 0.95 litre Vacuum Flask
Esbit Food 1.0 litre Thermal Container
Praxis Baumkontrolle - Baumbeurteilung und Baumkataster (Practical Tree Control - Tree Diagnosis and Registries) Text in German
The Colour Atlas of Minicipal Tree Diseases (Farbatlas Gehölzkrankheiten- Ziersträucher, Allee- und Parkbäume) Text in German
Broschüre Baumpflanzungen Teil 1 (Brochure on Tree Planting Part 1) Text in German
Broschüre Baumpflanzungen Teil 2 (Brochure on Tree Planting Part 2) Text in German
Hedges, Uses and Care, History and Ecology (Hecken - Geschichte und Ökologie, Anlage, Erhaltung & Nutzung) German Text
Morakniv Eldris Knife